
Daily horoscope for July 21, 2023

General Daily Insight for July 21, 2023

Our determination may be tested at any moment. The sensitive Moon faces off with critical Saturn, making it difficult to connect emotionally and inviting the world's judgment. When Luna conjoins fiery Mars, they provide us with the ambition and enthusiasm needed to power through the gloom -- but it's accompanied by a hefty dose of impatience. On top of that, the ego-focused Sun opposes chaotic Pluto at 11:35 pm EDT, forcing us to confront our issues whenever crises emerge. Diamonds and heroes are made under pressure.

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March 21-April 19

Motivation may be hard to come by today. Parents or authority figures could pile on criticisms or heavy responsibilities that drag you down. You might seek out inspiration from different sources that normally make you feel more on top of the world, but even these may not help. Buckling down and forcing yourself to recall the things that you're grateful for can help you shake negative feelings, but that's easier said than done. Keep your head down and give it your best shot.



April 20-May 20

It may be hard to get your friends to see your vision. You might be excited about a new undertaking that you have coming up, one that's likely imaginative or will strengthen your growth toward your more evolved self. Unfortunately, they might not have the creative foresight to see whatever you're visualizing in your mind -- and, to be honest, you might not have your vision fully realized yourself. Make sure that you have all the minor details ironed out before you move forward.


May 21-June 20

Family may push judgment upon you. You could come from a family that's more traditional, or they might just not approve of something that you're doing at present, especially if it involves your career or home. They may feel that they know best and try to offer you unwanted advice -- or even order you to change your course to align with what they would do. Regardless of their benevolent or negative intentions, your desired path in life shouldn't be up to them.


June 21-July 22

Beliefs may stand in the way of upcoming or ongoing communication. Someone's philosophy, either their morals or their religious path, might cause a rift between the two of you. This person could have once been close with you. No matter how much you still want to tell them things that are going on in your life, you'll possibly worry that they will react negatively if you're honest with them. Whichever part of your life that you feel comfortable letting them in on is valid.


July 23-August 22

Insecurity runs rampant! The parts of your life that are damaging your self-esteem could be hidden from the people you know, and although they're not aware of what you aren't telling them, you may still feel insecure because of recent issues. You don't have to share every intimate detail of your life with the people around you, nor do you have to beat yourself up for not being perfectly forthcoming. It's understandable if some parts of your life aren't shared with everyone.



August 23-September 22

Judgment could come from someone important to you. This person is likely a valued peer, but they may have strong criticisms that you weren't expecting. This might be related to your connection to each other or your friendships, as community and your relationships with others are a strong focus for you now. While it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd or ignore disapproval from people who matter, they're not always going to be right about what's best for you. Be you!


September 23-October 22

You may learn that someone is unhappy with your spiritual expression. Whether it's through meditation, yoga, tarot, astrology, or another practice, someone could frown upon you choosing to connect with your spiritual side through spiritual methods that they themselves don't practice. They might try to convince you that this is wrong for you, but ultimately, it's about how you feel most comfortable aligning with your inner self and the universe. Keep calm and continue to find yourself in the way you feel called to.


October 23-November 21

You may currently feel left out. The fear of missing out could be incited by friends not inviting you on an outing or family members not sharing details of a get-together beforehand. Avoid taking this as an insult -- instead, use it as an indicator that you need to be more intentional about spending time with people. Perhaps you've turned down a few too many invitations, or if this has happened often in the past, it could be a sign to meet new people. Value yourself.



November 22-December 21

Imposter syndrome could creep in at any moment. You may have achieved a higher level at your place of work or taken on heavier responsibilities, or you might even receive praise that you worry you don't deserve. It can be hard to step into a role that you aren't sure you can totally handle, but give yourself space to grow and learn. Remember that everyone makes mistakes when they're inexperienced! The only way to really set yourself back is by being too arrogant.


December 22-January 19

You could be feeling out of place. It may be that you're in an unfamiliar location, whether far from home or across the street, that's making you want to run back to your comfort zone instead of trying to thrive in strange territory. This could be as serious as moving to a new country or as simple as trying an artistic class. Wherever you're feeling like a fish out of water, be kind to yourself and those around you, and you should do fine.


January 20-February 18

It can be hard to find your certainty now. The urge to hide in the background is likely strong, pushing you away from any spotlights. While only you know how much you've practiced for the opportunity to show your skills or talents, it might still feel like the wrong time to put it all on display. Your projects could still need some work, so look into obtaining advice from anyone you know who has already done what you're dreaming about.



February 19-March 20

Someone you're normally close with could be closed off. This person may be unavailable because they're spending time traveling, or they might be sitting right beside you while still feeling like they're far away. It's hard to know how to be there for them or even find out what they are struggling with, because they might not be giving you much to work with despite your closeness. Let them know that you're there for them -- and if they want to talk, you're available.

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